【Intel 成都实习】EHS Intern
Job description:
Safety Management.
Safety Training program: Assist the review, consolidation and tracking of safety training completion for the site.
Safety Walk: Follow up on safety walk schedule, capturing feedbacks from safety dialogues, finding consolidation and closure tracking and report.
Safety Communications: Support all assigned safety communications e.g. safety newsletter scheduling, materials consolidation and publication in a monthly basis; safety metrics updates and safety corner materials update.
VR training: Support VR training deployment.
Assist the organization and execution of scheduled EHS events e.g. Health Campaign, Health Talk sessions, etc.
Support local regulatory compliance tracking and validation of compliance activities.
Y24 graduates with major in Safety, Chemistry, Environment or English related.
Willing to commit 6 months for internship, 3-4 days per week.
Good command of English and communications.
Passionate on EHS management.
Proficient in English and communications.
Experience in organizing or coordinating events.
直接发送最新简历至 staffing.chengdu@intel.com, 邮件主题“姓名+EHS Intern+可实习时间”。
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